Our Programs
Youth Care Approach​
The youth care approach is a unique method of working with youth and families. Youth care is based on direct, day-to-day interactive work with children, youth and families in their environment, whether at home, a residential setting, school, hospital, or on the street. Youth care workers do not operate in a single setting, an interview or session-oriented basis.
There are specific characteristics that shape the approach, which have been influenced and refined since the 1940s. A youth care worker begins by becoming involved in the daily life events of the young person and family. By understanding and attending to the internal and external factors the youth care worker can be proactive and intentional in helping to facilitate change. Through engaging with people where they live their lives, and with involvement in naturally occurring events, behaviour is better understood. Together, then, the family and the youth care worker can develop plans to create opportunities for change. These changes will result in healthier connections for the youth, family and the systems in which they live. Youth care workers are directly involved with the youth and family as they try these new ways of being, offering immediate support and assistance when needed. Youth care workers are engaged with youth and families to help them live their lives differently in the environments in which their lives are lived. It is this direct involvement in the daily events of living, and using these as the focus for change, that makes the youth care approach unique.
“My favorite part of programming is that we go out
and have fun.”
- HomeBridge Youth