Our Employees​
Professions Include:
Youth Care
Cultural Program Advisor
Program Activity Coordinator
Recreation Therapy
Communications and Development
Finance and Administration
Food Services
Maintenance and Housekeeping
Human Resource
Information Technology
All Youth Care Workers have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science or a Diploma in Child and Youth Care from an accredited educational institution. This, however, is not where our learning ends. As our world continues to evolve and change, so must we. In the HomeBridge Community we strive for best practice in all areas of our work. This involves keeping up with the latest research and trends and regular professional development. Although every year we introduce new learnings, we also train regularly in the following areas:
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
Substance Use and Intervention
Naloxone Administration
Mental Health First Aid
Suicide Intervention (ASIST & ASK)
Provincial Child Abuse Protocol
The Purposeful Use of Daily Life Events (a training designed to enhance the direct care practitioner's ability to make significant use of small opportunities which arise when working with youth and families)
Medication Awareness
Cross Cultural Safety Awareness (to ensure we are respecting the needs of all cultures and beliefs)
Safety Oriented First Aid
WHIMIS, Fire Safety and OH&S
In addition, employees are:
Regular financial and occasional content contributors to the Child and Youth Care Network (CYC-Net), a World Wide Child and Youth Care forum for discussion and publication.
Trainers of First Aid/CPR, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), The Purposeful Use of Daily Life Events, and Mental Health First Aid.
Presenters at Provincial, Regional and National conferences.
HomeBridge Employees contribute their time and talents by sitting on the following Boards and Committees:
Curriculum Advisory Board: Holland College Child & Youth Care Worker Program
NSCC Child and Youth Care Practice Provincial Advisory Committee (CYCP-AC)
Canadian Board: Relational Child & Youth Care Practice Journal
International Child and Youth Care Network
“I learned to accept people for who they are because we have all been though our own things and there is no reason to judge.”
- HomeBridge Youth