Nov 12, 2024
In Store Fundraiser Running Right Now
Tis the season to head out shopping, so why not tag on a little extra at the checkout to help change the world for the better? The Home Depot Canada Foundation has just kicked off their Holiday Orange Door Campaign in all stores across the country in hopes that you will help them in their efforts to end youth homelessness. And as one of their charity partners, we hope you will join the campaign as well.
From November 12th through December 22nd our friends in orange aprons are inviting customers to purchase a $2, $5, or $10 Orange Door when they checkout in store or online to support charities across the country who are working at preventing and ending youth homelessness in Canada. All proceeds from the Dartmouth Crossing location of The Home Depot are in support of HomeBridge. We are incredibly grateful to have been part of this campaign since 2014 and hope to see you at the Dartmouth Crossing store.
Despite ongoing community efforts, youth homelessness continues to be a on the rise in Canada. The issues homeless youth face daily are complex and require holistic approaches and wrap-around community support. Homeless youth make up approximately 20% of the homeless population in Canada, meaning each year at least 35,000 – 40,000 young Canadians have no place to call home. They need a safe place to live. They need access to support services that will help them develop positive life outcomes. Your support of this campaign can help.
If you are in The Home Depot Dartmouth Crossing leading up to the holidays their customer service representatives may talk to you about this campaign. Anything you can offer will help. The slogan is “one door can change everything”, and we believe this to be true. A few extra dollars on your purchase may not seem like much, but the impact this campaign has had on vulnerable youth is absolutely priceless.