Nov 7, 2023
Together We Can Make it Happen
Summer seemed to fly by in a blur of wildfires and extreme rain, and here we are once again heading into the holiday season. We have been tested a lot in recent years but one thing continues to be true – Nova Scotians have kindness, compassion and generosity as our heartfelt values. That is something we are counting on as we make plans for the young people that will be waking up with us on Christmas morning.
The sad reality is, as many as 36 young people live in the HomeBridge Community at any given time and the holidays are no different. This can be a very sad and upsetting time for them as they are away from their family, friends and community, and not where they would choose to be. We can’t change the circumstances that brought them to be in our care, but with your help we can definitely show them they matter and are not forgotten. Together we can make this season a little brighter.
Thanks to kind hearted people like you, our Holidays of Hope Campaign has brought some magic back to this festive time of year. We decorate our homes, hang stockings, make cookies and try to fill the days with fun activities and positive experiences that make the season meaningful to each and every young person in our care. Thank you for being part of this important campaign in the past. We are hoping you will once again join our team of special elves and help us create a season to remember. We understand that this year has been challenging for everyone, but if you find it in your heart to contribute, no matter the size of your gift, it will make a significant impact.
With a minimum donation of $35 you can purchase a stocking to help ensure every young person wakes up to something just for them on Christmas morning. The first goal of this campaign is always to fill 36 stockings, but if we surpass that goal we can spread the magic out throughout the year. All money raised will help to create positive experiences for our residents this Christmas as well as supporting the celebration of other meaningful holidays that reflect various cultures and traditions throughout the year. If you would like further information on the Holidays of Hope Campaign, please contact Renee Stevens at (902) 466-1439 ext 234 or rstevens@homebridgeyouth.ca