Dec 5, 2023
Kicking off the Holiday Season
The HomeBridge Community is a buzz with activity as the young people prepare crafts and practice their performances for this year’s Holiday Coffee House.
This fun and festive event is always our way of kicking off the holiday season. It gives the young people who take part in the Expressions Program of the Arts and opportunity to show off their talents as they make arts and crafts to sell and a brave few even take the stage to perform musical acts. On top of good food and good company, this casual event also always includes a friendly competition between the programs to see if they can outdo each other with their creativity. We’ve had ugly Christmas sweater competitions, gingerbread house competitions, cookie baking, and everything else you can imagine. This year each program in the HomeBridge Community has been given a simple faux pine wreath and challenged to decorate it in the theme of their favorite holiday movie. We can’t wait to see what imaginative creations come out of this one!

The Holiday Coffee House is being held on December 13th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. If you would like more information or would like to attend, please contact Renee Stevens at rstevens@homebridgeyouth.ca