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Healing Through the Arts

Sept 13, 2024

The Expressions Program of the Arts 2024/25

The young people served in the HomeBridge Community may have different stories, but they all come to our care for one important reason; to heal from trauma.  They have faced more than their share of challenges in their young lives.  Their experiences often include poverty, abuse, neglect, abandonment, substance misuse and significant trauma. This is compounded by the lack of a stable support network, which can lead to feelings of isolation and despair.  Youth-in-care often move to different homes, change schools frequently and experience a lot of loss as people come and go from their lives.  All of these experiences have an impact on their physical and mental well-being therefore we work very hard to help them build resiliency through protective factors.

Protective factors are characteristics that reduce a risk factor's impact. Protective factors may also be seen as positive countering events. These are the experiences we create through the Expressions Program of the arts and why this year’s theme is “Healing Through the Arts”.

Implementing protective factors for vulnerable youth involves creating environments and providing experiences that promote resilience and positive development. This not only improves their immediate well-being, but also sets a foundation for their future success and resilience.  It is a proactive approach that supports positive development and strengthens communities by nurturing capable, confident, and responsible individuals.  It has been clinically proven that engaging in therapeutic art-based programming accomplishes just that.

Traditionally confined to mental health institutions, Art and Music Therapy are now commonly used in community settings, including schools, shelters, nursing homes, and child and youth care settings. We’ve seen the value in this therapeutic, life-skill building program since 2004, but continue to evolve and adapt our practices to keep up with the latest clinical research.  Our skilled and talented facilitators who work with the young people through the Expressions program create a safe and welcoming environment for the participants and work with them to create an outlet for expressing feelings and emotions.  The activities may simply look like learning to play the guitar or painting a self-portrait, but they are offering a holistic approach to improving overall health and well-being. Participation in the Expressions program acts as a protective factor by promoting emotional regulation, fostering positive identity formation, facilitating social connection, developing skills, reducing risky behaviours, enhancing cognitive functions, nurturing cultural pride, and improving physical health outcomes. These factors collectively strengthen resilience and empower vulnerable youth.

The Expressions program continues to offer Art Classes, Music Therapy, and Photography.  Sessions which run from September through June throughout the entire HomeBridge Community, including our on-site school program, Bridges for Learning.  Implementing these types of programs and activities in a coordinated and supportive environment can effectively build protective factors for vulnerable youth, strengthen their resilience, and empower them to overcome adversity and thrive. That is the power of Expressions, which is why we are incredibly grateful to the donors who make this program possible.  It is 100% funded by corporate and community support.

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