Jun 19, 2024
Free Online Youth Care Training
Attracting enough qualified employees continues to be a challenge for many sectors, including Child and Youth Care. Providing the best services possible for youth-in-care will always be our priority, and in order to do that creative recruitment strategies have become a focus. This includes revisiting the 5-week training program we offered last year.
We have secured funding that will allow us to run another training program that will help candidates who currently meet the provincial policy regulations for hiring bridge existing education and relatable certifications with significant relevant experience, including lived-experience, a pathway to be an effective Youth Care Worker at HomeBridge. Participants will be taught by international experts in the field of Child and Youth Care along with local experts from the African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, and 2LGBTQIA+ Communities.  This free training will be entirely online and those who successfully complete the training, can immediately join the Youth Care Team at HomeBridge.
The training program is scheduled for September 3rd via distance. Those interested in being part of this 5-week training program are encouraged to submit a resume/CV including relevant training, experience, and education, and a brief cover letter outlining your background and interest in the field to trainingprogram@homebridgeyouth.ca. Â
We were very pleased with the results from last year’s program and received great feedback from the participants. We believe there may be more qualified Nova Scotians willing to work with vulnerable youth and their families, within the field of Child and Youth Care at HomeBridge. This online program will be free to the participants and will address some of the barriers associated with higher education and formal training. Those participants that require additional experience for HomeBridge facilities, will complete a paid practicum after the online portion of the program is finished. This is to ensure they are prepared and demonstrating safe practice to work alongside their new team members by providing them with invaluable direct care experience.  Last year’s 5-week training program attracted an abundance of caregivers from many different communities throughout Nova Scotia and we hope we will have similar results again this year.
The work we do with vulnerable youth is incredibly meaningful and we look forward to welcoming new members to the HomeBridge Community who want to be part of this challenging, but rewarding field.Â