Our Programs

Johnson House
A Member of the HomeBridge Community since 1981.
Owned by the Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal.
Operated by HomeBridge Youth Society.
Located in Dartmouth.
Please note - this program is temporarily closed dues to staffing shortages.
The Johnson House program’s current mandate focuses on providing care for four youth under 18 years of age.
Following the establishment of Hawthorne House in 1979, the need for a similar facility for girls was identified and Johnson House was opened in April 1981, in Dartmouth. It was originally an assessment/receiving center for girls, 12 to 14 years of age.
School District
Dartmouth South Academy
Dartmouth High School
Bridges for Learning
Caroline Moore, Director of Youth Care Services
(902) 466-1439 ext. 273
Email: cmoore@homebridgeyouth.ca
““My favorite part of programming is that we go out
and have fun.”
- HomeBridge Youth