Financial Accountability​
HomeBridge is making a public commitment to ethical fundraising and financial accountability.
To view our most recent audited financial statements please click here.
To view our most recent annual reports please click here.
To view our most recent Charitable Information Return (T3010) please click here.
To view our current Board of Directors please click here.
Fundraising Revenue and Expense Analysis (as per CRA reporting standards)
Total Fundraising Revenue 2023/2024: $8,630
In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reporting guidelines, this includes all tax receipted donations as well as revenue generated as a result of direct fundraising activities, for which no receipt was issued.
This does not include donations received from other charities/charitable foundations or Government grants. (These additional donations/grants totaled $130,774 (not including our annual operating grant from the Department of Community Services.)
Total Fundraising Expenses 2023/2024: $2,031
This total not only includes all direct fundraising expenses, such as promotion, donor thank you/relations (totaling $873), as well as the direct costs of specific events/campaigns (totaling $0), in accordance with CRA's reporting guidelines; it also includes an allocation of the staff wages for time spent on fundraising activities ($1,158).
These wages are covered by HomeBridge's general operating budget. None of the fundraised revenue is spent on wages. The allocation of wage costs to our reported fundraising expenses is simply to meet the reporting requirements for CRA's T3010 (Charitable Information Return), which requires a matching of time spent on direct fundraising activities. (This does not include time spent on grant writing or other activities undertaken to secure donations from charities and foundations and government.)
Total Expenditures on Charitable Activities/Programming 2023/2024: $6.5 million
In accordance with CRA guidelines, this total is a sum of HomeBridge's operating expenditures, plus all extra therapeutic programming (funded through our fundraising activities), less expenditures on management, administration and fundraising.
If you have any complaints about HomeBridge's fundraising practices, please contact:
Ernie Hilton, MSc, CYCA
Executive Director
(902) 466-1439 x 223
“The Youth Care Workers talked to me when I was feeling upset & depressed. They help me work through tough times and are always there for me.”
- HomeBridge Youth