Our Programs

Cogswell House
A Member of the HomeBridge Community since 2003.
Owned by St. Paul's Home.
Operated by HomeBridge Youth Society.
Located in Middle Sackville.
The Cogswell House program’s current mandate focuses on providing care for four youth under 18 years of age.
Cogswell House, formally known as Brenton House, opened after the Garfat/Mitchell Review was completed in 2000. The mandate was developed separately in consultation with the Department of Community Services. Brenton House operated on Oxford Street in Halifax until October 2002, when the program was moved to Lower Sackville and renamed Cogswell House after Isabella Binney Cogswell, a well know philanthropist and one of the founding members of St. Paul’s Home.
School District
Sackville Heights Junior High
Bridges for Learning
Millwood High School
Darren O'Handley, Supervisor
(902) 864-2509
Email: dohandley@homebridgeyouth.ca
““My favorite part of programming is that we go out
and have fun.”
- HomeBridge Youth