HomeBridge Youth Society was incorporated in 1977 and known as The Association for the Development of Children's Residential Facilities (ADCRF) for 28 years. This charitable, non-profit organization (Charitable Registration #106728918RR0001) was established by front line social workers who identified a need for residential care in the child welfare system. The organization grew to six residential, youth caring facilities throughout the Halifax Regional Municipality and a school program. Today, 36 high risk youth between the ages of 12 and 18 years old can be served in community settings at one time. Approximately 100 young people reside in our facilities annually. All the young people are in the temporary or permanent care of the Minister of Community Services.
In June 2005, a new name was welcomed to further describe the work of the organization and future planned directions. HomeBridge Youth Society will continue the work of the ADCRF with the ongoing commitments of the Nova Scotia Department of Opportunities and Social Development, Nova Scotia Department of Education, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, and St. Paul's Home Board. An extended vision of corporate, charitable foundations and other public support is furthering our ability to offer progressive therapeutic program opportunities for young people.
The Association's development has been the labour of love and commitment by hundreds of people since 1977. Every person has played a role and impacted the legacy of where we find ourselves so proudly today, with the vision of "All Youth and their Families living in Health, Safety and Harmony."

“I learned to accept people for who they are because we have all been though our own things and there is no reason to judge.”
- HomeBridge Youth